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兴趣爱好是挣钱 兴趣爱好的水平

编辑:云梦 时间:2023-06-28 人感兴趣



兴趣爱好是挣钱 兴趣爱好的水平

这个闪闪发光、乱中有序的工作环境与莫尔希工作了30多年的金融界截然不同。当她最初步入银行业时,这是一个“稳定的职业……我父母就希望这个。”她一开始是在法兰克福担任外汇交易员,后来就职于德意志交易所(Deutsche Börse),在伦敦工作。

Her postgraduate course atRadafinishes in the summer and Ms Morsch hopes it will equip her with the skills to switch to thecreative industries. It is a bigleapfrom the relative security of regular salaries and bonusestofreelance work and reduced earnings. Moreover, at 51, she will be peting with younger peers forpaid gigs.莫尔希在皇家戏剧学院(词汇)的研究生课程将于今年夏季结束,她希望从中掌握投身创意行业所需的技能。这是一次重大飞跃,她从有固定收入和奖金、相对安稳的职业,转向了薪资较少的自由职业。更重要的是,她将以51岁之龄与年轻同行们竞争有偿工作。

N-COUNT Aleapis a large and important change, increase, or advance.

While the risks are clear — and Ms Morsch has considered them all, at length — she is making a transition to a creative career that thosetredat their desks may envy.尽管风险显而易见,莫尔希也全面考虑了上述所有问题,但她还是选择转行做创意工作——一个可能会让那些困在办公桌前的人羡慕不已的职业。

Turning a passion into a career may not be the right path for many people.(观点)In Morten Hansen’s book Great at Work, the management professor writes: “Motivational speakers, self-help gurus, successful entrepreneurs, human resource executives, and branding experts have alltalked uppassion, so much that you might believeloving what you do is the only requirement to perform at your best.”对于许多人来说,将激情转化成职业可能并非合适的道路。在莫腾•汉森(Morten Hansen)所著的《玩转工作》(Great at Work)中,这位管理学教授写道:“励志演讲者、自助大师、成功企业家、人力资源主管和品牌专家都在极力鼓吹激情,以至你可能相信热爱工作是你取得zui佳表现的唯一先决条件(观点)。”

PHRASAL VERB If someoalks upa particular thing, they make it sound more interesting, valuable, or likely than it originally seemed.

大卫•索贝尔(David Sobel)是一位令人同情的转行者,2014年他在《Salon》杂志上发表了一篇文章,描写了他在激情神话的驱使下辞掉了管理工作、成为一名撰稿人的故事。“我曾以为42岁辞职是因为认识到有未实现的潜力。如今我觉得这是一个没赶上派对的老男孩的错觉。”四年后他表示辞职是正确的,但认为自己被“我们在领英(LinkedIn)上读到的那些关于激情的屁话”给p了。他跟我说:“转行的过程其实异常艰辛。”One rueful career changer, David Sobel, wrote in Salon magazine in 2014 of the passion myth which drove him to leave his administrative job to bee a copywriter. “I’d believed that resigning at 42 was the acknowledgment of unrealised potential. Now I thought it was thedelusional moveof a man-child who’d missed out on the party.” Four years later, he reflects that he was right to leave, but thinks hefell for(句型,别人p我=我自己上当)“the bullshit [of] what we read in LinkedIn” about passion. “It’s been very hard,” he told me.

N-COUNT Adelusionis a false idea.【ALSO】N-UNCOUNT Delusionis the state of believing things that are not true.

Careershifters是一家帮助职场人士转变职业方向的组织,创始人理查德•奥尔德森(Richard Alderson)说道:“‘找到你的激情’这句老话相当危险,且具有误导性。(观点)”Richard Alderson, founder of Careershifters, an organisation which helps professionals change direction, believesthe “find-your-passion mantra is quite dangerous and misleading”.

他说有些人毫无激情,有些人则太有激情,然而有很大一部分人不太可能从追求激情中获得回报。Some people, he says, do not have a passion, others have too many, while a good proportion are unlikely to be paid for pursuing theirs.

正如ViewVo的经营者露西•斯坦丁(Lucy Standing)所说:“爱好是日常生活的消遣。当你把爱好变成工作,乐趣就没了。”ViewVo致力于为那些在职业中期转行的人安排见习机会。As Lucy Standing, who runs ViewVo, which organisesjob-shadowing(词汇)opportunities for mid-career changers, puts it: “Hobbies are distractions from your real life. When you change your hobby to a job the pleasure is lost.”

许多被困在办公室的职场人士都跟她说想成为园丁。“但是这个市场不可能大到足以雇用(这么多专业的)园丁。工资很低的。”Many professionals tred in offices talk to her about their aspirations to be gardeners. “Butthere is no way that(句型)the market is big enough to support [so many professional] gardeners. The wages are low.”

奥尔德森奉劝人们去寻找一项能够让他们充满活力的、最重要的是有报酬的活动。他建议人们在现实生活中去验证这项活动,征求反馈意见,看看人们是否会花钱购买你想提供的东西。在从事当前工作的同时发展一项副业(词汇),这可能是最终实现转行的逃生通道。Mr Alderson tells people to look for an activity that energises them and, most importantly, pays. He suggests testing it out in the real world: ask for feedback and see if people will pay for whatever you want to offer. Developing aside hustlealongside an existing job might prove to be the escape route(词汇)that leads to an eventual career switch.

斯坦丁还表示从事副业也有助于产生自信。“想象自己从事某种工作并不会给你带来更多自信,积累经验才能帮你产生更多自信。”Running a side business will also help withself-assurance, adds Ms Standing. “You don’t get more confident by thinking yourself into it, you get more confident by gaining experience.”(观点)

玛丽•伯恩(Mary Byrne)的经历正是如此,她曾是一名会计师,后来开了Etsy商店,销售手工制作的皮革本封面和文具盒。在意识到自己需要掌握更多技能才能以副业为职之后,她用积蓄在西米德兰兹郡买下了一家皮革制品生产。她说:“我正向员工学习技术。但目前我需要专注于生意,把生意搞好(句型)。”This was the case for Mary Byrne, a former accountant who set up an Etsy shop selling handmadeleather notebook coversandpencil cases(词汇). After realising she needed more skills to make a career out of hersideline, she invested her savings in buying a leather goods production pany in the West Midlands. “I am learning the skills from the staff. But for the moment I need to concentrate on the business andmake it secure,” she says.

资金,或者说担心缺乏资金,可能会阻止专业人士换工作,尤其是转投创意行业。Money — or worry about a lack of it — can prevent professionals from making a switch, particularly to the creative industries.

奥尔德森鼓励人们实事求是地思考他们需要什么才能感到快乐——条件其实可能比他们以为的要少。奥尔德森举了个例子,一位不喜欢自己的工作,他习惯花钱去释放这份职业给他带来的痛苦。认识到这点后,他换了一份薪资较低的工作。Mr Alderson encourages people to lookrealisticallyat what they need to be hy — it might be less than they think. He cites the example of a lawyer in the habit of spending money to relieve the pain of a career he did not want to be in.After that realisation, he adjusted to a lower salary in a different job.

V-T If somethingrelievesan unpleasant feeling or situation, it makes it less unpleasant or causes it to disear pletely.【ALSO】V-T If someoneis relievedoftheir duties oris relievedoftheir post, they are told that they are no longer required to continue in their job.


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